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  • Writer's pictureAnil Sharma

Project Update : Double Storey Dwelling Rear of Existing House in Rowville

Advertising to commence shortly for a good sized 3 bedroom double storey unit at the rear of existing house

Two bedroom with ensuite, a separate powder plus generous sized study at the rear of existing single storey dwelling in Rowville

Minimum changes to existing house at street front

Client is excited to move into the new unit


If you have similar situation of have large area at the rear of existing house, it could be potential site for development of multi units, townhouse or double or single storey house. Discuss with us your scenerio and we could do feasibility of your project absolutely FREE of charge to give better idea and clarification of what can be achieved as development proposal, it could be one unit or may be with our design techniques, could fit two units, it can be imagined how much value it raise, if that's achievable. Action is the foundational key to all success, so take one today which could greatly help to create better future for your family.

Click here for further discussion.

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